Grow Your Business | Strategies to Create an Herbal Career You Love

Posted by Lindsay Kluge on Friday, May 24, 2019

Plant the seeds, and grow a thriving business that you love | Three Things To Do First

Your mind may be full of creative ideas. You’ve dabbled in the fascinating world of herbal medicine or taken courses in holistic nutrition and it totally makes your heart sing. You know this is your calling, but don’t know where to start, or how to turn this passion into a full time career. You’ve seen some clients on the side (probably for free), or you’re the person always having side conversations with friends and family about how to incorporate herbs and nutrition into their lives. You love having these conversations, and connecting with people in a deeply personal and therapeutic way. And something in you wants to take this passion further.

You can, and you should.

I’m so passionate about helping budding herbalist and nutritionist turn their passion into a career that supports them financially, mentally and spiritually. This line of work definitely doesn’t have to be just a side hustle. I work with dozens of people to help them turn their passion for herbal medicine and/or holistic nutrition into a thriving career that they love. Getting a business up and running can be an overwhelming task, and it’s easy to get bogged down in the details and legalities of it all (there’s a lot!). Taking a mindful and conscious approach to laying the foundations of your business can be one of the most rewarding things you can do. If you’re just beginning to brainstorm your future herbal medicine or nutrition business, start with these three steps.

Three things to do first:

  1. Get specific with your services and offerings. Be very clear about what you’re offering, and what your expertise is for the ideal clients you’d like to work with. Do you have a niche expertise for a specific population of people? Do you love working with kids, folks with eating disorders, sleep imbalances, or digestive issues? It’s OK to get really niche and specific with your offerings (this is how most people will seek you out!).
  2. Who is your ideal client, and where can you find them? Sometimes casting your net too wide misses the people who are a perfect fit for your services and expertise. Really take time to write down the specific person you’d like to work with, including their gender, age, demographic, job, where they hang out, and what their health goals are. Keep your eyes open for where your ideal clients spend their time, and focus your networking and marketing efforts in these areas.
  3. Research your local networking community. Some may call this your “competition”, but I find that other practitioners in your area are really your support network. Get to know them, reach out and be curious about what their area of expertise is, and how they can serve your clients as expert referrals. Get a sense of what they’re charging for services to help loosely guide your rates as well. Let them know that you’re here, and what you offer and how you can help them. Your local network can be a huge asset to the success of your business.

Herbal Business Course

Photo courtesy of The Herbal Academy

Business Herbal Course

You’re ready to embark on your career path in herbal medicine, holistic nutrition, or a related field, and don’t quite know where to start (or you’ve hit a plateau in your current business!). The Herbal Academy offers a fantastic Business Herbal Course covering the foundations you need to grow a thriving business practicing the skills that you love.Whether you aspire to launch an herbal products business, open a clinical practice or herb store, start a wellness blog, teach in your community, bring your harvest to market or sell in bulk, or pursue another type of plant-based path, this course will guide you as you navigate the unique and sometimes challenging regulations, requirements, and considerations that come along with starting and growing a successful business.

Continue Learning: Herbal Academy Course Catalog

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