January Simples

Posted by Lindsay Kluge on Sunday, January 12, 2020

Simplicity. Staying with the simple cravings, utilizing every last energetic and therapeutic bit of single herbs, and keeping my January mugs a little more effortless.

For your January mugs this month, I’ll share a pot of rose + spearmint tea. Sweet and bright. Floral and delicate. Aromatic and feminine.

Per mug, I use about 4 rose buds and 1/2 teaspoon spearmint leaves (and if I’m feeling a little stressed, I’ll add a dash or chamomile flowers). Steep in hot water for 8 minutes, Strain and enjoy. Adjust the herbs to your taste. Savor the aroma, too. It fills the whole room…

You can source rose buds and spearmint from your local health food store (if you’re lucky), or find them via Mountain Rose Herbs. 

Read More: Hearty Hobbit Omelettes 

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