Short-Cut Gentian Bitters | Speedy Version

  • Gentian Root tincture, 1 ounce (30ml)
  • Fresh Orange Peel (macerated well), 2 ounces
  • Cinnamon Bark tincture, 1 ounce (30ml)
  • Licorice Root tincture, 1 ounce (30ml)
  • Wild Cherry Bark tincture, 1 ounce (30ml)
  • Cardamom Seed tincture, 1/4 ounce (7.5ml)
  • Angelica Root tincture 1/16 ounce (2ml)

Place the orange peel in a large glass jar and cover with the remaining tinctures. Let sit for 4 hours, shaking frequently. Strain out the orange peel, and store the reserve tincture combination in small glass dropper bottles. This makes for a slightly less sweet cordial, but takes significantly less time and equipment to make.